If you are college-going, you will be under severe pressure to answer many questions relating to your recent errant activities

Despite being in a respectable place, you may tend to do disrespectful things. Controlling senses and emotions is a great virtue and you should inculcate it.

Your diligence and skills will receive quiet appreciation at the workplace. If you are heading a department or organisation, more responsibilities may come  your way.

You may feel tired and your assertions and mannerism will reveal it openly. You may be worried this is happening to you repeatedly due to the nature of your work.

You may bump into friends-turned-foes but make no rules if they are ready to befriend you. Feel free to mix with them.

It can be a lucky day and one of your family members, probably your son or a youngster living with you, could be responsible for bringing smiles on your face

Issues concerned with younger siblings may seek you time. Don’t pay too much attention to such issues. First try to change your attitude.

Are you uncomfortable with some of the people staying with you? Your behaviour and mannerisms may reveal you are intolerant of their stay.

If you have aged people at home, say your father or a fatherly person, you will find it necessary to keep off arguments. Harmony will rule your relations at the workplace.

Has your house become a symbol of conflicts and quarrels with each member of your family trying to establish supremacy over others? They may find mutual trust missing among family members due to misunderstandings.

Routine things will not interest you. As your attitude differs, you will long to do something new in your activity. You will feel you have to travel with blissful and productive assignments.

You may seriously think of financial status and the volume of revenues will be intact and you will realise that more opportunities are unveiling before you to accumulate materialistic wealth.