Remaining abundantly confident and energised, you will be fully sure of your message being disseminated powerfully to a targeted audience. Your team will guide you properly and provide you with useful tips.

You may look confused not knowing what to do with mounting problems in your sphere of activity. Being handicapped with lack of support at home and work place, you will recognise the need to recruit more efficient people to assist you ably.

Business losses may bring you displeasure. If you are in the habit of speculating or addicted to indulging in wasteful expenditure, you may take certain decisions and this may supplement your problems. Listen to your spouse or father if they say some good words.

The day could be irksome as you run into unnecessary arguments with your father or a fatherly person at home. If you are frequently running into arguments with elders, it can be the worst day for you.

You will get multiple opportunities to visit places, meet people and make decisions. If you are a key person in your team at the workplace, you may be given additional responsibilities. Your adherence to maintain secrecy will earn you appreciation and improve social standing.

If you are new to your activity, you will continue to be in the limelight. You will steal the attention of people around with innovative decisions. Certain key developments may take place with regard to your stature. Friends and well-wishers may rally round you in fulfilling your dreams.

Are you ready to face the onslaught unleashed by arch rivals to downgrade your social standing? You may feel that the time is not ripe yet to deal with them directly or indirectly but with the Moon transiting in the most powerful regions of the natural zodiac, great opportunities may come your way.

The day will unveil before you several opportunities to consolidate your enterprising skills. If you are an amateur entrepreneur, you will come in contact with top officials and famous personalities. Your natural talent of being quick in reacting to events will win you friends.

You may pose as if you are a stickler to rules and no decisions will be forthcoming from you. You will carefully assess the pros and cons of your earlier decisions. If you have friends from the fair sex, you may undertake short-distance journey.

You may develop deep thinking about certain issues concerning your profession. You may reverse a decision at work due to suspicion or fear that it may not produce intended results.

The day may remind you of the need to protect your body and soul. If you are allergic to dust, keep off dusty roads and unhygienic places. There may be genuine inquiries from friends or cousins over financial requirements.

You should realise that your abilities are the key for success and you need to work on the tasks ahead with perfect planning. However, you may run into problems as you are handicapped due to lack of required technical knowledge.