You may learn that people around you are of the opinion that you have become self-centred. More than your assertions, your actions seem to be giving the impression that you are not thinking about the welfare of people working for you.

You may look tougher than ever in handling spousal relations or controlling naughty kids at home. You may look uncontrollable in anger and adamant in disseminating thoughts not caring for the consequences. Can’t you handle people in a cool manner?

You may be habituated to achieving targets well before deadlines but it may be different during the day. You will find things going astray and getting delayed and it may cause you unhappiness. For the first time, you might have opted for bigger targets.

Are you not paying enough attention towards domestic issues? You may receive spousal complaints on the issue and it can be a reason for losing mental peace. Your silence or improper response may further anger your spouse.

Are you new to your work? You may find the circumstances challenging and feel as if you are working in an alien atmosphere. If you are not a newcomer, it will be hectic for you as you feel forced and burdened with additional loads of work.

You will find the day favourable in many respects. It can bring about big changes in professional life. It indicates your readiness to accept proposals on change of place which you may have rejected earlier.

It is appreciable but you should try to fulfil the dreams through resources available with you. Dreams can be big but your means of achieving them may be small. You should build up the dreamy edifice step by step.

You will involve yourself in something great that would fetch you a good name in the society. You may turn into a Good Samaritan and come to the rescue of someone in distress. Being generous, you may donate things to the needy.

You are therefore advised to cancel travel plans, if any. It would be better if you avoid self-driving cars. You should be extra careful if you are part of travel groups for professional or holiday purposes.

Do you feel that somebody is applying hard controls on you? Surely, you may want to be an independent person and your decisions to be primarily independent. But you will surprisingly find people questioning your decisions. People who question you will look logical with their assertions and suggestions and you can’t counter them at all.

The day will pass off peacefully at home and workplace. Your commands will be respected by juniors and family members. Your moods will be jovial and you will show interest in accepting suggestions from colleagues and spouses.

If you are planning to join a new course to boost up your career or meet knowledgeable people to get inputs on projects or initiatives, you will have your way. At the end of the day, you may make key decisions. You will feel you are right.