Even bigger things will look smaller for you and you may think of working on even much bigger things. You may tend to find loopholes in the tasks finished by men and women at the workplace. You will think in terms of abundance.

Even bigger things will look smaller for you and you may think of working on even much bigger things. You may tend to find loopholes in the tasks finished by men and women at the workplace. You will think in terms of abundance.

You may be keen on implementing bigger plans to grow in stature and improve social image. But your omissions and commissions and legal tangles might be a stumbling block. You may decide to consult fortune tellers to know the repercussions.

Despite keeping off main activity, you will inadvertently draw the attention of others for subsidiary activities. People around will appreciate you for your diligence and scientific analytical skills.

It will be a full shiny day for you in most respects. You will be in your elements fully charging yourself with usual royal behaviour but you may tend to speak more. Somehow, you will be under obligation to relax some of your reserved nature.

There won’t be tangible results if you try to take forward your initiatives. If you are launching a new project or planning to affect major changes in the present dispensation, this may not be the day. Your activity may be embroiled in a shadow.

There may be some unexpected developments with regard to your wealth. If you have recently lost any valuables like gold jewellery through theft at home and a probe is on, you may hear news of recovery of the same.

If you are already a victim of such injury, you may attract new injury supplementing the old one. If you are aged, try to avoid long walks despite your ability to walk. Avoid short travels.

Mercury’s lonely journey in your work arena may force you to seek an upper hand over some of your colleagues at the workplace.You will be under heavy pressure to maintain a low profile the whole day despite your efforts to the contrary.

If you are earning regular income in your profession, you will learn that it has reached its lowest ebbs and this may continue for the next few days. Added to this, you may hear that your father or a fatherly person at home has taken ill all of a sudden.

Avoid arguments with your spouse to keep your equation in good harmony. If your spouse keeps nagging at you over nauseating issues, you had better keep silent for the sake of conjugal happiness. Your patience will pay rich dividends in course of time.

There may be good developments with regard to your service matters.  With this, your long-drawn battle over the issue may come to an end. You will end the day with utmost happiness and satisfaction.