Depending on your thought process, you may also witness others changing their attitude towards you for good or bad. Try to recall if you have promised anything to one of your friends or colleagues. Don’t wait for others to remind you of your assurances but do something to fulfil them.

Sudden obstacles are likely to keep your morale down when you are halfway through your initiatives. At work, colleagues may point fingers at you commenting on your weaknesses and unwillingness to amend your attitude. You may receive long distance communications from near and dear ones bringing in mixed news.

As benefactor Saturn continues to exercise retrograde influence on your ruling entity Mercury, you may think of resorting to immediate corrective measures in response to humiliation meted out to you by influential people recently. You would be moody as you look for ways to give a fitting reply to those who mocked you.

You may feel you are under pressure to compromise on requirements at the instance of bête-noirs. You will look for support from friends and well-wishers in the process of chalking out plans. However, you will realise you need to make a fresh beginning.

If you don’t list out priorities, you may attend to tasks in haphazard manner allowing things to go topsy-turvy. It seems you always tend to work in a hurry , unmindful of the quality. You should mix quality perspectives with initiatives for getting flawless results. You must know your work should also have quality.

Scheduled entry of value enhancer Venus into the debilitation zone in the next few hours may change your luck for good or bad this week. You may feel you are on the right track but midweek, you will find you are drifting away from mainstream work without your willingness.

But you will find some trying to fault you for your other actions which are not in tune with your social status. If some of your actions become questionable, it may tell upon your stature and you may be under pressure to provide explanations. Don’t indulge in activities not in tune with your status.

Your preoccupation with multiple missions may help you reach out to experienced people who can work under stress and meet your rigid deadlines. But someone may point out that you are relying more on outdated machines. Don’t be depressed with such comments but try to update your equipment to achieve your mission.

As you fear you are going to face great humiliation, you may pray for the blessing of Almighty. At work, your omissions and commissions may become a subject matter of discussion and the activities of people around may add to your troubles.

Things seem to be on reversal for you this week. Everything that you thought of seems to be moving backwards, and to your surprise, you will find people backing out on your proposals at the last minute. Those who gave you assurances may now be willing to fault you for what you do. All of a sudden, you will find more voices taking on you.

Your confidence levels will multiply and you will draw inspiration from recent experiences. If you are a team leader, you will send a clear message to bête-noirs that you are energetic and you will not lag behind others in turning disadvantages into advantages. You will be ready to strike at the next opportunity that unfolds before you.

Spiritual outlook may guide your activity this week. But, if you are a sports person, you should be careful of professional rivalries. If you are part of a team playing on behalf of a school, college or institution, take precautions to ensure that you will not become a victim of internal sabotage by known and unknown rivals.