As Mercury moves in your responsibility zone, you may be entrusted with new responsibilities. But you may feel new responsibilities are an additional burden to you. You would not be mentally prepared to shoulder additional burden but you may not be able to express your limitations.

With the day’s celestial influences poised to reduce your purchasing power drastically, you may feel life has become miserable. Be ready to lose more money or cancel shopping ideas when you go out to the market.

You may be ferocious in reacting to events or situations but you must know that being ferocious is not the panacea for all situations. Growing in stature requires that you must treat each and every situation separately.

Have you turned adventurous? It seems you would like to be called a fighter by your tendency to indulge in adventures. You may be noted for your fighting spirit but people may be wondering over your deviations in recent times.

Whatever you get, you will spare time to assess if you have received your worth and whatever you give, you will assess if you have paid more than necessary. Short- or long-distance travels will be good for you.

With a debilitated Sun and aggressive Mars getting involved in a trine relationship, your urge to revive old habits will keep haunting you strongly. You may long to visit liquor joints, pubs or entertainment centres along with friends.

Are you in a dilemma on how to proceed with your ideas and proposals? You may not be clear in mind whether or not to launch your initiatives. Facing stiff resistance from family members, you will find it difficult to move on.

Why don’t you review your status of affections with near and dear ones similar to reviewing your financial position? As in other matters, give and take policy in love matters too will pay rich dividends. Try to be flexible to buttress your love matters.

With the energy entity Mars influencing your activity area, you will look for sober advice from men and women of wisdom. Seek blessings from family elders or your spiritual Gurus before going ahead with your plans. But don’t be overconfident.

You may strongly try to keep secrets as secrets but people around would be watching you to know your real intentions. Mercury’s lonely transit may help you hold secret negotiations with powerful people.

You may skip work even if it is highly important and spend most of your time going out, meeting friends and discussing things of importance. If your activity is commercial, your personal and business relations would be great and encouraging. You will end the day on a happy note.

Spend time visiting friends, colleagues to buttress your relations. However, don’t fail to spend little time in the company of kids at home. Keep aside professional aspirations as you draw solace and pleasure in building up your relations.