At home, you will hear good things from children about their academic pursuits and progress and share your happiness with colleagues at work. Chasing targets will be easy for you.

Despite facing pressures and threats, you will feel you can do something in your sphere and within your ambit. If you are heading a key department and running after anti socials, you will become an enigma to people concerned.

You will worry that somehow things are not moving perfectly in your dispensation. If you are related to public matters, you will be haunted by the fear of losing popularity.

The day is yours in some respects. If you are related to secret activity, you will receive favourable communications from long distance. But your efforts to involve more and more influential people into your secret activities may not yield results.

Mercury’s combustion will keep you hectic with a mobile phone. Thinking of your near and dear ones staying long distance, you may spend most of your day with long distance phone calls trying to know about their welfare.

Are you busy with creative activity? You may witness unexpected favourable developments. You may learn that a project on which you have lost hopes is on the way back to your hold, boosting up your spirits. It may be without your involvement.

There may be complaints against you from rival groups at your workplace. You may be under pressure to provide an explanation for not reaching targets on time. You may be seriously faulted for killing your precious time in discussions not related to work. New questions may also arise due to your changing attitude.

You would not be able to concentrate on your main activity. You may get results but they would not be worth your hard work. Even smaller things will be turned into bigger problems. You should be cautious as the day has high potential to side-track your investment decisions.

As your career zone goes under the influence of benefactor Mars, your efforts to expand professional activity will get a big boost with support forthcoming from friends and well-wishers staying on a foreign soil.

With multiple celestial entities guarding your professional activity, the day opens on a positive for you. But with the presence of Mars in your service zone, you need to be guided by positive thinking. Assess yourself whether you are guided by a practical approach or preconceived notions in your activities.

Are you under pressure from family members, especially by spouses or elderly people, to decide on fresh investments? Resist any such pressures to the maximum as your decisions are bound to go wrong.

The day is quite favourable to receive or visit near and dear ones.  If you are from the fair sex, you may invite friends or relatives to your place to show your new purchases, especially newly acquired jewellery. You will draw utmost pleasure by sharing happiness.