The week’s celestial influences may cause you financial losses or loss of valuables. If you tend to visit market places, watch your surroundings and the people you move with. Be conscious of what you possess in your pockets. You may lose things due to carelessness or because of pick-pocketing. Show utmost care in clinching business deals. You may end the week unhappily.

With value enhancer Mercury coming under the powerful influence of benefactor Saturn, you will remain happy and satisfied with the success of recent projects. You will continue to be active and enthusiastic giving a big boost to future plans. You will be busy finalising deals with newfound partners and associates. Henceforth your popularity will grow bigger and wider.

With Mercury set to cross into Libra as you begin the week, you need to strive hard to prove you are capable of generating revenues in multiple ways. However, presence of Mars in your ruling quarters may land you in a bout of disappointment. You will find resistance to your moves gaining strength rapidly. For the next few days, your rivals may sharpen their weapons against you.

Due to continuous work, irregular food habits and bed timings, you may be under stress this week. Take time off your computer whenever possible to keep your mind fresh and innovative. Don’t rely on friends’ advice and short-cut methods to finish tasks. You should evaluate whether you can finish the tasks in the given deadlines. Speak frankly on issues troubling you.

With value enhancer Mercury set to join your ruling entity Sun in Libra, you may find it necessary to implement your thoughts and promises on a priority basis this week. You may be thinking of rendering help to one of your neighbouring kids to meet his / her school needs. The week’s celestial influences will provide you opportunity to put your ideas in practice. Fulfil commitments.

You may strongly feel your stubbornness is your natural strength but some of the people dealing with you may think it is your weakness. In fact, your tendency to be stubborn may have helped you sometimes but it may also have created problems at times. This week, you may look different to people around and you will show flexibility in discussions, and reach out to people in distress.

Are you fighting legal cases? Retrograde Saturn’s influence on inimical part of your celestial zodiac may provide some relief this week. If your legal battles are related to properties of inheritance, you will hear good things. The week has potential to bring results in your favour and smiles on your face. But you may also learn that your rivals are not going to keep quiet on the issue.

You may learn new lessons of life this week. With trine relationship between Mars and Venus getting stronger, you will be influenced by show business. You may try to look glamorous to attract the attention of others. But you may be guided by your penchant to be controversial at times and the society may see you making controversial statements. Now, you will feel you are in a new role.

The week’s celestial influences may leave you in total disappointment. If you are a loner involved in efforts to zero in on life partner, you will find your efforts moving at a snail’s pace. Things may change drastically at a time when you think they have reached final stage. Communication gaps could be one reason for your plight. Ensure that everyone in family is supporting you.

With Mars continuing to influence your health, you may experience pain in body parts this week. As trine relationship between Mars and Saturn continues throughout the week, you may also be down with complaints of toothache or some sort of swelling on left eye. Watch your food as munching can be a problem. With Saturn being in control of your mouth, avoid hard food.

Nodes’ squaring of your ruling quarters can keep you emotional this week. As the week progresses, your passions and emotions may reach peaks. Your intelligence may go dry pushing you into confusion about your activities. Whatever decisions you take, they may go astray. You may become highly impatient in professional interactions. Midweek, you may think of changing decisions.

As you begin your journey for the week ahead with Sun’s transit in Libra, your financial status may further complicate and your bank balance may begin to plummet low. Your health problems also will come to the fore and you may make visits to your physician at the behest of spouse. At workplace, you will earn high appreciation for troubleshooting skills. Guests may arrive.