Facing peculiar situations at the workplace, you may not be able to concentrate on work. Over indulgence in work yesterday may have strained and left you restless. But don’t feel shy of disclosing this to higher-ups stressing the necessity of taking rest. You have to be fair and outspoken during such circumstances.

You may be charged with playing double games to win favors from higher-ups. You will feel you are a loner and the entire world is against you. You may look depressed with a peculiar situation unfolding before you.

If you are in business, you may clinch good business deals and if you are an independent professional, you may get a good service contract. The day is yours in most respects and you will end it on a happy note. You may hear good things from long-distance places.

The day can bring in progressive news about your daughter or a youngster at home. If she is looking for elevation in profession, her efforts may yield results and she may be flooded with offers. You may find it apt to rejoice and celebrate it sharing your happiness.

This can be a productive day for you in terms of children’s academic pursuits. If they plan to have a change of institution for better pursuance of their activity, they may seek your active involvement in such efforts. If your son is on a foreign soil pursuing higher studies, you may receive useful communication. You will begin and end the day on a happy note.

Colleagues may seek your guidance for updates and you may be the talk of the town. If you are related to security activity, your determination and will power will cause shivering to people involved in unlawful activities.

Are you staying with ailing parents? You may look disturbed with the delicate health of your father and his condition may force you to skip official chores. Your main concern will remain to ensure that he gets proper medical treatment. If you are staying away from parents, you may undertake a trip to see them. If you are a fatherly person, your son may visit you.

You may feel you are a human being going up the ladder in life, learning from failures and taking up new activities frequently. You will look determined to indulge in experiments and reach milestones in your activity. But have you ever realised that such experiments will never give you stability and you have to stick to one kind of activity?

Your colleagues and friends who have thought of you as deadwood with no creativity would be eager to meet you and congratulate you on your recent success. Surely, you will remain unique in your domain and no one can match you in your sphere of activity.

The day’s celestial influences suggest that you need to build up trust around you to take forward your activity. People dealing with you may expect more from you in the shape of sincerity and dedication. Try to acquire these qualities.

You will turn from openness to secrecy and from a not-caring attitude to vindictiveness. Your top priority will be your determination to take on professional rivals. You will feel that open-mindedness would no longer pay dividends.

You may attend an event or seminar related to agriculture to keep yourself abreast of modern trends in farming. But at the end of it all, you will realise that your resources are limited and you can’t do anything better than what you do now.