You will be happy with your financial status, and somehow, you will cope with major commitments of the day by hook or crook. Your attitude towards people and way of thinking on issues will undergo major transformation for the better.

The day looks quite positive for you. If you are looking for a job, you may meet people of high status or attend small or big interviews. If you are an aspirant for a government job, you may equip yourself with necessary paraphernalia such as buying books or planning to undergo training to face competitive examinations.

Presence of Northern Node in the zone of discomfort may leave you in more stress in financial matters. Despite your cash reserves going dry, most of the day, you may spend time with men and women of questionable character.

You may strongly feel that you are an expert in waging a verbal war against rivals and defending yourself successfully. But people depending on your services and provoking you against others may have different ideas.

The day will give you enough time to interact with your social media friends. You may also try to implement some of the special promises made to spouses and children. There may be shopping and investment visits.

You will feel relaxed and people will find you calm and considerate. With Jupiter moving in the edges of the natural zodiac, your thoughts will be pro-spiritual and your actions will be helpful to others.

Developments of sudden nature may take place and you will feel you have many challenges ahead to cope with. With Mars still moving in retrogression in the celestial zone of your luck, there may be severe trouble from members of the fair sex of objectionable character.

You may be aiming for big profits in your activity.Aiming high is good but you also have to accept whatever comes your way. You must know that planning and implementation of certain things can’t be done in a single day.

You may run into unexpected expenditure at home due to the arrival of important guests. If you are involved in the creative field, you will receive support from relatively lesser-known people. Support from officials may also be in the offing for your innovative initiatives.

A spiritual person may visit your house as per your wishes. If your father or mother is sick at home, you will find improvement in his / her condition. Or, you may undertake a visit to a nearby hospital to see an ailing friend or relative.

You will come across sensitive and emotional people during the course of your activity. You should, therefore, be very careful in handling people and situations. Exercise caution while expressing your views and opinions.

Celestial influences of the day are capable enough to mislead you. At the workplace, you may be dragged into controversies. You are, therefore, advised not to react to happenings around without ascertaining facts.