You may be liberal in thoughts allowing others to disclose what they want to say and convey. You will be more accessible to colleagues at workplace and friends outside.

Try to think of your health. You may be a workaholic addicted to irregular food and sleeping habits. It can be the day that shows results of your anarchic way of living. Give top priority to your health among all things.

With Mars guarding your conscience vigorously, you will be in a hurry to finish the tasks at workplace. You will be eager to take up certain projects that you had abandoned midway in recent times.

You might be blowing hot and cold at home due to differing of views with your spouse and elderly members. But it is time for you to recognise the need to control your emotions and think over her demands with cool mind.

Irrespective of your activity, you may be under tremendous pressure to deviate from routine principles in finishing your tasks. But going by your nature, you may not budge under any circumstances.

You will let others think that self-satisfaction in work is your hall mark. Generally, you may be in the habit of working in a slow and steady manner to achieve concrete results.

With value enhancer Mercury still moving in Scorpio in the company of Sun, the graph of your worth and value will be on the rise

With Mars influencing your ruling quarters, you will be on a success streak and your confidence levels will reach peaks. You will rejoice your success with friends and cousins and there may be celebrations with parties and outings

There will be more stress on relationships and you may be under obligation to spend most of your day with loved ones at secluded places. There may be trips to new places to please your spouse or partner.

You may come in contact with people of significance as part of official duties. Your energies and enthusiasm will impress them earning you respect.

How to grow in stature, financial status and career could be your primary questions for the day. Take stock of your failures and successes to know where you had gone wrong and where you had acted right.

This can be a major day as far as your professional matters are concerned. You can take an important decision concerning your profession that would shape up your career for good or bad.