It will be hectic for you and you may hand over some of your responsibilities to colleagues. It’s better to leave clear instructions to people concerned on managing things in your absence.

 The celestial influences will also help you exchange views freely with your spouse or parents. Professionals’ services may be sought by official agencies.

You will not think as others think and will not act as others act. In whatever you do, you will strive to achieve name and fame irrespective of the financials involved.

 Beware, there are chances that people of duplicity may also come in contact with you in discharge of your duties.

Streak of failures and humiliation will keep you in a low profile this week. Compared to the magnanimity that you created last week, you will find the need to be different and practical. 

Your income may slow down despite your hard work and you may develop second thoughts over continuing with your present initiatives. You may feel exhausted.

Your efforts to become closer to some members of the fair sex may also not succeed.

You will get proper hints of your initiatives reaching the stage of grand finale reflecting your hard work and planning. Things will move as per your plans and the aggressiveness and speed with which you carry out your plans may surprise many.

Try to design new administrative vocabulary for enforcing discipline among your men and women at workplace and new guidelines for smooth conduct of your operations.

If your lands are locked in disputes looking for amicable solution, your efforts to settle the issues will be fruitful. With Mars continuing to influence your confidence, you may end property disputes in your favour.

There will be full cooperation from loved ones and a plethora of resources will be at your disposal.

 Businesspersons waiting for clearance for initiatives will hear good things. Matters binding you with your friends will keep you busy till mid-week.