Financially, you will be on top and you will find reasons to celebrate as your graph of bank balance is bound to go up.

Are elders at home or some of your friends trying to apply brakes on your innovative thinking? You may think there is more discouragement than support.

This can be a mixed day for you in most respects. You may hear good things from your spouse.

With expected monetary returns getting delayed, you will not feel comfortable with financial status.

You may be unrelenting in your attitude sending a clear message that your preconceived notions should prevail.

A sea of opportunities will unveil before you and you will be under pressure to be selective. Don’t be greedy with a view to grab all things coming your way.

It seems you have interfered in somebody’s work crossing your limits. Don’t get hurt if you are questioned over this.

Your spouse may remind you of financial responsibilities lying ahead of you fearing that your interests may lie somewhere else.

You may think that you have nothing to lose by continuing your association with such people. It is said that every action has a reaction and your present actions may have solid  repercussions later.

You will find that your spousal domination is on the wane. It may be a pleasant surprise for you to watch your spouse speaking smoothly and slowly.

You may not mind spending funds available with you for replacing old domestic items with brand new ones. New priorities will be on your agenda suddenly.

You may think of accumulating more wealth by expanding operations to new areas and attracting more customers. Travels for business or domestic purposes are on the anvil.