Financially, you will be on top and you will find reasons to celebrate as your graph of bank balance is bound to go up.

Puzzled over things going haywire in your absence, you will look determined to put things in order at the workplace.

Your eagerness to help others may result in failure to assess their genuine requirement. If somebody is seeking your help for any reason, try to assess the situation properly.

You may be facing toughest competition from rivals in your sphere of activity. If you are far away from home, you will be vulnerable in every respect. Be conscious of your surroundings.

You will be very quick in responding to emergencies of work but you will also insist on being rewarded equally on time.

Financial dynamics that kept you happy all these days will continue. Your efforts to keep up sustainability of togetherness to elevate your family status will make you immensely happy.

Journey of your ruling entity Venus in the company of Northern Node can make you nervous, forcing you to cancel some of your initiatives at the last minute.

It seems you are trying to instill confidence among people around you on your abilities to do things. You may be deeply worried they are losing confidence in your ability to fulfil the tasks entrusted to you.

Your professional skills and bargaining power will reach peaks. At the workplace, you will find it easy to solve irritating issues.

You may be serious on going ahead with your agenda. You may say your agenda is based on unique thinking and there is no alternative for the people around except to follow it.

The day is not good for you to undertake journeys. If you have scheduled a journey for the day, you are advised to postpone it for some other day and see if you can manage through phone calls.

As pressure mounts up to fulfil pending commitments, you will learn that your financial position has turned tricky. You may have a difficult day ahead.