As you try to work on your initiatives, unexpected hindrances may mar them. If you are heading an organisation, you may find it difficult to move ahead with your objectives. You will feel that your professional rivals have ganged up, creating hurdles.

Intolerance will be the force that guides your assertions and actions this week. As you begin it with the entry of Mars into Gemini, you may turn impatient in interactions. Lack of proper concentration on work or understanding of things could be one of the reasons for your impatience.

Visible change in your attitude may be a cause for concern for people moving around you this week. Surely, there will be total incoherence between your decisions and actions. People will know that you are a hard nut to deal with. You may feel you are right in every respect but others may think otherwise.

Celestial influences of the week will restore peace at home. But at the workplace, differences may persist leaving you in disappointment. Your efforts to patch up with some of your disagreeing colleagues on complex official issues may not yield results.

You may give high priority to learning new things from them in exchange for your ideas. You will move towards understanding things, people, circumstances and your surroundings. People will cooperate with you based on your decisions.

Your attitude will be different this week as you feel less energised in your natural elements. At home, you will find people dominating over you, and at the workplace, you will look as if you are unable to cash in on the opportunities coming your way to dominate others.

You will exhibit high intellectual skills in official interactions and personal dealings. With a strong Mars taking control of the celestial zone of your fortune, you will think sharp and take appropriate decisions. If you are at loggerheads with professional rivals, they are bound to slow down allowing you to maintain an upper hand.

You will have a jubilant disposition thinking of your spouse, children and their future. You may agree to their proposal to undertake religious visits. Your family will be your entire world. While simultaneously attending to guests, you will try to keep family members in good humour.

You will think more of the ways and methods others exhibit in dealing with you this week. Sulking over somebody avoiding you all of a sudden, you may be puzzled over the reasons. A small misunderstanding must have resulted in the situation and you may also be responsible for it in some sort.

Health issues may confront you and prevent you from being aggressive at the workplace this week. Small issues may turn big with the week’s celestial influences magnifying them. If you are addicted to computers, you may complain of shoulder or joint pains.

There will be no room for laziness and disinterest as you proceed with your initiatives this week. You will multiply efforts to take up the activity that you left midway last week. You will find time to draw plans to protect long-term interests.

The week’s celestial influences will keep your morale high and that of your rivals low. Your small efforts to enhance name and fame in society may produce bigger results. If you are aiming at removing irritants in relations with cousins and friends, you will succeed.