You may turn small initiatives into larger ones all of a sudden changing designs and plans. The indications are that you will meet bigwigs to discuss plans and make them your partners. But it would be better if you dealt with your equals.

You will feel that there is a strong need for you to align with like-minded people to take your initiatives forward. You will shed laziness and become very active during the latter part of the day.

You may be busy implementing your ideas and plans in top gear but your hurried actions may not allow you to think of possible negative consequences emanating over a period of time. It seems either sane advice from people around is falling on your deaf ears or you are not willing to consider the possible negative developments.

With benefactor Mars now tenanting a celestial zone of comforts, the worth of your bank coffers may come down due to unforeseen expenditure. Your efforts to consolidate financial status through bank loans will yield results and it will boost up your morale.

With ruling entity Sun transiting in Virgo, happenings taking place around and developments unfolding before you may seek your immediate attention. If you are turning a blind eye, you may be branded as a person not willing to restore order at the workplace.

You will be guided by an egoistic attitude while you don’t care to think much of others’ views. You will fly high in thinking with a sort of superiority complex that controls your body and mind.  Do you think it will pave the way for your growth?

It is high time that you reviewed your decisions and assertions in the last few days. Open acknowledgement of the necessity of changing decisions will enhance your credibility at the workplace.

Somebody at home, say your father or a fatherly person, may stun you by withdrawing a favour granted to you earlier. It may relate to financial matters and you may feel that you are being left in the lurch. It may leave you disappointed.

You may spend time in the neighbourhood moving with kids and playing street games. It could be that you have no major work for the day and may just think of killing your time with the neighbouring kids and enjoy the fun.

You may want to keep some of the people around you happy through your decisions and actions. This will keep you confident and energetic as you are determined to go to any extent to please people who you think are your well-wishers. But things may not continue to be in your domain for long.

You may entertain ideas of changing your counsel to speed up the legal process and get fast results. Spending most of your day meeting friends and looking for capable counsel, you will look hopeful.

You may be under pressure to show some sort of flexibility and initiate steps to end the stalemate that has crept into your relations at family or workplace. You are, therefore, advised not to drag things to extreme levels.