If your spouse is a working woman, you will learn good things about her. You may learn that she has been entrusted with key responsibilities. You can't help but appreciate her managerial and technical skills. You will find it appropriate to celebrate.

You may be now ready with your paraphernalia to prove what you have done is correct and you are on the right path. You may silently argue that extremities or aberrations are common in any activity and you are not an exemption to the principle.

Graph of your confidence levels and physical energy will zoom up. There will be good news from friends, close cousins and colleagues. There may be celebrations over achievements of one of your friends.

Are you about to take decisions on key issues aimed at bringing qualitative change in the lives of people around you? It may dawn upon you that there is urgency for you to turn increasingly innovative and remove the earlier confusion and prove that you are very sincere in your endeavours.

Family and friends will be your priority for the day and you may celebrate it with visits to rare historical places. You may be eager to visit places of natural beauty and architectural values that you once visited and places of spiritual importance that you never visited.

You may come out with dental complaints and find it necessary to visit the dentist. You will realise that you have neglected the issue when it was small now necessitating a dental visit. If you don’t change your attitude, small health issues may turn chronic later.

You may get good relief from deteriorating spousal relations. You may find your spouse unusually cool and sober to your surprise. It is now up to you to respond in a similar manner and perpetuate the unfolding positive trends.

You will go to extremes as you are endowed with options of bargaining, and in the process, you will create obstacles for your own growth. People around may not like your demanding nature and you may be on the losing side. Try to be flexible.

Your being surrounded by people with different preconceived notions on various issues will force you to face bottlenecks. You may be sure of going ahead on key issues but your men and women may question their priority and sanctity.

People will see something new in you and in your activities. All of a sudden, you may decide to magnify yourself as an embodiment of truth and sincerity and do something to substantiate your claims. There may be long-distance religious trips.

This can be the first day of a new beginning as far as professional rivalries are concerned. You will find your rivals very aggressive and scheming. Your ideas to take on them will appear diluted and you may feel helpless all of a sudden.

Your moods of confrontation with siblings will continue at home. You will continue to be at loggerheads with elderly persons in the family and may not be in a mood to relax your intransigence. Your irrelevant and illogical arguments will seriously baffle family members.