Take the initiative if you want to solve your pending disputes and get favourable results. In money matters, you will enjoy complete freedom and fulfil your commitments successfully. You will feel you have a great future ahead.

Are you contesting in an event or attending an interview? You will gain top honours among all contestants. Your mannerism and body language will work as a magnetic force and the day will be fully yours.

Be assertive in your own way, limiting yourself to original talents. You may seriously tend to imitate others in your hurry to make some quick money. But it can be disastrous if you blindly follow others.

Are you vying for the post left vacant by a senior colleague? You may be involved in tough competition with one of your junior colleagues to grab the slot which you think is the prestigious one for you. But you must recognise that it is not a war zone.

Don’t be in a hurry to make decisions on investment matters. It is good that you have money to invest but don’t take decisions based on somebody’s advice. If you are investing in land, make it sure that you are not being taken for a ride.

Someone may remind you that you are working overtime and spoiling your health. You may have spent sleepless nights and be looking very tired and dull due to work pressures. How long is it that you reflected yourself in the mirror? Is money-making your mission? If you work this way, your body may soon go for overhaul.

Your love matters will get spiced up by leaps and bounds. But the nature of results will depend on your fancies, thoughts, words and actions. You will give utmost importance to open up new communications in the process of improving your rapport with your loved one.

You may be happy with your financial status but things can go wrong for you because of changes in the whims and fancies of your children. There may be unusual expenditure coming up due to an important item being broken up by one of your children knowingly or unknowingly. It is not safe to undertake major travels with colleagues or friends.

Health condition of your mother or motherly person at home will keep you worried. With Moon transiting in the remotest corners of the zodiac, her condition may give you anxious moments if she is already sick.

If you belong to the fair sex, the day belongs to you. If you are active on social media, you will be the most sought-after person in your group. If you are attending an event as a guest, you will be the cynosure of all eyes.

You may be sure now that you need to be motivated to achieve success. You may decide to attend special classes on personality development. You may realise that your main flaw is your inability to assess people moving before you.

You will lay your hands on several things taking into consideration suggestions given by friends or well-wishers. In your hurry to do something, you may fail to think independently and decide on concrete action.