More confusion may keep you irritated. The day’s celestial influences indicate that you will be under severe stress with growing financial pressures and your efforts to seek the support of siblings may not be fruitful. Added to this, a growing list of pending commitments may kill your spirits.

You may look worried as you feel that your monetary gains or revenues are on a downtrend. It may have been the trend for the last few days and your efforts to set things in order may not have yielded proper results.

Are you feeling worried that your intelligence and sharpness have gone astray and you didn’t put them to proper use? You may decide in favour of dispensing with the services of some of the people surrounding you as you feel they are deceptive.

It can be a good day for you in most respects. The news from your son or daughter may please you to the hilt and fetch your family certain fame in society. It may be related to their reaching peaks in their sphere of activity. If they are in a creative field, they may reach new milestones.

But you have to retain your natural self under such circumstances without subjecting yourself to undue pressures. Just because things have not favoured you the way you wanted, there is no need for you to change your thought process. Try to be patient enough.

You can learn good lessons from others and also teach some good lessons to others. Involve yourself in generous activity to up your stocks in society. Be a Good Samaritan and liberally help someone in difficulties.

The whole day, you may be on the move visiting lonely places or hilly regions for professional purposes. You are likely to meet groups of people during your routine chores and interactions. The day may be really tedious.

You may tend to indulge in some sort of activity to create sensation. By drawing attention of people around and by resorting to sensational doings, you may feel you are working on initiatives that no one has even tried to work on so far.

Blind beliefs will take you forward but your emotions will fail you in understanding the real situation unfolding around you. A new confidence that your emotions will keep you on the winning side will drive you ahead. Make sure you are not erring in judgement.

If you are planning big investments and trying to clinch deals, old controversies may mar your deals at the eleventh hour. With Mars now moving in your beneficial zone, you will be under pressure to clinch deals but your resistance may bring things to a standstill.

Some of the old issues which you felt have stopped bothering you may stage a comeback. You may be suddenly confronted with technical snags on just initiated projects or initiatives that you had completed long back.

You will find the day highly useful as opportunities keep you hooked to your mobile phone. If you are expecting a pay hike in your present dispensation, you will come to know of good things about it.