You may be confronted with a dilemma over disputes concerning friends or colleagues. You may be under pressure to take sides and it will be difficult for you to take decisions

You will be immensely happy with financial matters feeling proud of your planning for family. But the day may force you to spend part of your funds.

You may curse yourself for your delicate position and think of taking up new activity to upgrade yourself. Seek advice from friends and family members.

Happiness will prevail and you will also try to keep others in your surroundings happy. You may discuss several of your ideas with friends and seek their support for future initiatives.

The contradictions may be advantageous to others at present while they may turn out to be unlucky for you at a later date.

People close to you may think that you are giving room for others to control you and dictate terms. But you will clearly send out signals that you are not of the type to take commands from anyone.

You will be the best in your communication skills. At both home and workplace, your assertions will be straight, sharp, meaningful and direct.

You may be overworking on priorities but that will not become an obstacle for taking forward your tasks and initiatives. Unlike others, you may look for innovative formulae to finish targets well before deadlines.

You are bound to receive a piece of good advice from elders at home. It may be helpful in consolidating your professional or academic activity.

If you are involved in property disputes with cousins or siblings, you will find things moving towards peaceful settlement. One of your friends will play a key role in solving the issues.

Entertaining strong feelings that you are passing through hard times at workplace, you will feel you have to do something. But you should know that people around will also begin comparing you with others of your ilk.

It seems you are cursing your failure to solve pending business or personal issues. Determined to meet experienced people to solve nagging issues, you may undertake short or long-distance travels.