This can be a mixed day for you. Your general financial position will be excellent and your bank balance remains satisfactory. You may be overenthusiastic in fulfilling commitments you made to people as part of business or professional activity.

There will be no letup in misunderstandings in spousal relations and your explanations may not be convincing. You may find spousal movements very aggressive and dominating and you may not reach his/ her levels.

You may feel you are a big personality in your sphere of activity. In fact, you might also be well experienced in your group / organisation but surely, you will find others dominating over you and trying to push you to the background and making you inactive.

You will be active at your workplace but with Saturn’s retrograde influence on Capricorn, you may become overenthusiastic and trespass into the jurisdiction of others. Uninvited intervention in the problems of others may land you in trouble sooner than later. Avoid this tendency.

You will find people to help you nurture your ambitions for good. If you are conducting your operations on the advice of experts, you may go in for a change of advisers. Somebody may say that you are unduly poking your fingers in every activity.

It is high time that you spare time to think of the health of kids at home. You may experience tense moments as neglected complaints may mount, forcing you to see a physician. But you must make yourself partly responsible for such a situation as you can’t blame anyone else for this.

Trying to take solace in discussing non-materialistic matters, you may visit your spiritual teacher seeking answers to several questions bothering you. You will spend the day at spiritual places and meet like-minded people. Your work may not be important for you.

Togetherness will rule your day. With both Mars and Jupiter influencing your ruling quarters, it can bring you in contact with people of your ilk at social or family events. People may recall your services and praise you or even felicitate you.

Meditation or a visit to spiritual places may give you some relief and save you from possible inner-self embarrassment. Try to be true to your consciousness while performing your actions.

Guided by a strong notion that your friends are a worthy lot, you may feel proud of their association. You may recall several instances wherein one of your friends came to your rescue avoiding disgrace to you.

The day would be disappointing if you are a sports person. If you are performing in a new place, your performance would be below par and you will feel that others in your team are faring better. If you are the team captain, you would be on the losing side.

Delays and obstacles will guide your activities. Your short journeys will take longer time and your attitude will be somewhat disliked by prospective partners. If you are a technical professional, don’t go on outings avoiding your mainstream work.