You will also recognise the need to promote others working for you instead of trying to boost up your prospects. You may be on the job right away and think of taking key decisions.

You may be busy trying to understand new policies or rules concerning your activity. Since you are determined to leave no stone unturned to get things done, you might be looking for opportunities to know more about them. You may have a hectic day.

You are, therefore, advised to postpone such planned trips. If you are a businessperson, there may be long-distance business calls that will benefit you financially. You will end the day on a happy note.

You may be non-traditional to the core showing least respect for traditions and festivities. But there may be no other go for you except for arranging things for an event at home being organised by spouse and elders before you plan to skip it.

If you are involved in multiple activities on the professional front, you will be on a success streak. But it may be different at home. If you have strained relations with cousins or elders at home, there may be more acrimony with them. Your plans to improve things will fail.

Your spouse may openly say you are very self-centred and need to change your attitude. Listing out the lapses on your part where you paid more concern for your health and other requirements while neglecting the necessities of others in the family, she may remind you of your responsibilities.

You will steal focus as people around may be eager to know your abilities on handling the tasks ahead. You may be under the impression that your tasks ahead are very easy to tackle but you may be thoroughly wrong.

Your attitude will be dominating and commanding. At home and workplace, you may tend to treat people with indignity and vehemence. Even with guests coming to see you, you may behave somewhat rough and rustic.

Do you know that you are weakening your position day by day by making illogical and questionable statements? You are perhaps advocating things which you had once strongly opposed citing reasons of your convenience. But it will expose your dual nature to the core. You will find few people to buy your arguments. .

With benefactor Mercury moving with debilitated Sun, you may think of taking liberty in your sphere of activity at your workplace but it may lead to misunderstandings and someone may say you are crossing limits. People around may treat you as their enemy and restrict you to certain operations, not allowing you to act freely.

Unhappiness will rule your day at home and workplace. If you are involved in an activity fetching daily revenues, your revenue levels will come down without your involvement.

You will have a dissatisfying day in financial matters. If you are in partnership business, you may sulk due to misunderstandings. If you are already differing with partners, things may explode further. But the day can be lucky in certain ways including speculation.