The day will light up your spirits and you will be in a romantic mood. Don’t feel shy to bring up issues with your heartthrob. You should push forward to take your love matters forward. The day’s celestial influences are poised to sharpen romantic ideas but you must come out with some efforts on your own.

You may be facing the worst times with old controversies or scandals coming to the fore and cornering you. You may be thinking of multiple solutions that can give you some relief from the agony.

You may wonder why your sons have developed aggressive tendencies and why they are turning into commodities of unbearable vehemence day by day. You may find answers in the circle of their mischievous friends. Try to change them.

In fact, youngsters may not be able to compete with you in a strolling event. But perceptions of others are bound to differ and they may think your services can be dispensed with in due course of time. You will be under pressure to maintain a low profile.

You may be in a hurry to amend strained relationships with siblings, mostly your loved sisters. You may undergo some sort of repentance for hurting their feelings knowingly or unknowingly at recent family events.

You may be thinking of streamlining your operations and consolidating your position at the workplace but your deadlines may be nearing. Any further delay on your part in setting things right may weaken your position further in several respects.

With antagonistic Jupiter still moving in retrogression in the injury zone, the day may not favour you in travel masters. If you are undertaking long journeys for any purpose, be prepared to lose your energy, time and money. But don’t travel with kids and sick people.

The day will help you admit new members into your team. The additions may come as great relief but the celestial influences say that your team may be further entrusted with more responsibilities.

Unexpected expenditure may lower your spirits. With multiple celestial activity going on in your discomfort zone, you may incur sudden expenditure for no fault of yours. The situation may be delicate for you and you can’t prevent yourself from accepting the circumstances.

Presence of inimical Mars in the service zone may fetch you unexpected problems with higher-ups at the workplace. Innumerable questions from colleagues and others may corner you.

Are you planning to exchange your old vehicle for a new one? Your plans will make much headway as Northern Node has been exercising strong influence on your comforts. You might be seeking to own a large vehicle replacing your present one but you may be undecided on its colours.

People around may doubt your credentials and sincerity in organising things and responding abilities to critical situations. You may spend money lavishly for friends and colleagues at social events and parties.