But continuous dependence on others may not be advisable as you can never claim individuality. You are well advised to develop your own thinking and abilities to discharge responsibilities. Or else, you may be left high and dry by friends.

With creative entity Mercury exercising control on your ruling quarters, you will begin the week on a positive note feeling fresh and innovative. There will be renewed energy and powerful logic in your thoughts. You will feel it’s your duty to keep people happy.

With ruling entity Mercury set to move in inimical areas of the natural zodiac, you are bound to feel that somebody is trying to take away your prize catch illegally. You will find that your professional rivals are at work to deny what is due to you at the workplace.

Investment issues may seek your time this week. As Mars gains strength in the inimical zone, you may worry that you are unable to pay attention to know about their performance. Realising the uselessness of making investments when you have no time to pay attention, you may discuss the issue with friends.

As the week’s celestial influences favour rapprochement, you will get multiple opportunities to mend ways and re-establish strained relations with friends and colleagues. Be practical to the core and don’t feel shy to talk to friends openly to set right things.

Movement of multiple celestial entities in your relations zone will keep the week hectic for you. You will be under the influence of friends. You will display enthusiasm to spend more time with them than at the workplace. But are your friends genuine? Make genuine assessments.

With your celestial home hosting the transit of multiple entities throughout the week, you will come to know that elders at home are seriously differing with you on key issues. You might have taken independent decisions ignoring the views of others in your dispensation. .

As your ruling quarters go under the control of multiple celestial entities, you may develop innovative and peculiar ideas this week. But you will feel restrained to implement them. You may fear that you are in an inimical zone and there are no worthwhile people to support you.

You will find the week highly useful in disseminating your message to the people around and grasping the inner meanings of others’ assertions. Your option of using social media platforms in expressing your views will fetch rich dividends for you in terms of popularity.

You may be hailed for your flexible policies this week. As the week progresses, you will prove that you are right in turning flexible at workplace and home as well. You will pat yourself on making a big transformation with excellent results.

You will face delays and hurdles as you work on your initiatives this week. You may think your plans have reached the final stage but you will be baffled with no concrete results forthcoming. This will only make you well-prepared to face failure or success with balanced mental equilibrium.

You may no longer be looked after by people with the same reverence. With your energies and enthusiasm reaching lows, you may think of promoting family members instead of trying to boost up your prospects. The week provides a chance to meet your old friends.