New Delhi: The first round of counting of the Presidential poll on Thursday showed that Draupadi Murmu is far ahead of her counterpart Yashwant Sinha. The number of votes in favour of Murmu was 540 and for Yashwant Sinha it was 208 out of a total 748 valid votes. Total value of valid votes stands […]
Colombo: India on Wednesday categorically denied media reports that New Delhi is making efforts at the political level to influence leaders in Sri Lanka regarding elections in the Parliament for the post of the Sri Lankan President. “We have seen baseless and purely speculative media reports about efforts at the political level from India to […]
Hyderabad: Polling for the Presidential election concluded at the Telangana State Legislative Assembly here on Monday. The polling, which commenced at 10 am, concluded at 5 pm at the polling station arranged in the Assembly committee hall. The TRS and the Congress party are supporting the Opposition parties’ candidate Yashwant Sinha while the BJP and […]
New Delhi: A crucial meeting of opposition parties convened by Mamata Banerjee to build consensus on fielding a joint candidate against the NDA in the presidential election began here on Wednesday with leaders of at least 17 parties in attendance. Leaders of the Congress, Samajwadi Party, NCP, DMK, RJD and the Left parties attended the […]