Actor Sudheer Babu’s action drama ‘Sridevi Soda Center’ will world television premiere on Zee Telugu on December 12 at 1:30 pm. The Karuna Kumar directorial featuring Anandhi and Sudheer Babu in the lead roles, is a love story between Soori Babu (played by Sudheer Babu), a lighting technician and Sodala Sridevi (played by Anandhi) belonging […]
Hyderabad: The OTT platform ZEE5 has been offering unique content across Indian languages. In Telugu, from last year’s ‘Amrutha Ramam’, ‘47 Days’ and ‘Meka Suri’, to this year’s ‘Battala Ramaswamy Biopic’, ‘NET’ and the most recent ‘Alanti Sitralu’, ZEE5 has given us a number of direct-to-digital releases. ‘Sridevi Soda Center’, starring Sudheer Babu and Anandhi […]
Hyderabad: Actor Sudheer Babu’s recently-released flick ‘Sridevi Soda Center’ will be soon streaming on ZEE5 from Diwali. Directed by Karuna Kumar, the movie which featured Anandi in the female lead role, garnered mixed reviews at the box office . To what extent does an honour-obsessed father go to save his face in his community? What […]