Hyderabad: The inflow of water into Himayat Sagar has gradually dipped on Monday compared to the previous day. According to officials, while the inflow on Sunday stood at 1,666 cusecs, by Monday evening this came down to 277 cusecs. Due to the downpour in the city and surrounding areas for almost a week, water bodies had received copious inflows and authorities were gearing up to open the gates of the Himayat Sagar if the rains continued.
It was after a decade that the gates of the reservoir were opened twice in October 2020 when the city witnessed floods. Authorities were planning to open the gates if the rains continued. Residents in downstream areas of Bandlaguda and Sun City Colony were also alerted about the same. With the dip in inflow, the need to open the gates might not arise unless the city and its surrounding receive more heavy rains in the coming days.
On Monday evening, the water level at the reservoir was recorded at 1,762.60 feet against the FTL of 1,763.50 feet. The HMWSSB issues a red alert when the water level touches 1,762.75 feet and then opens the gates if the level goes up to 1,763 feet. The reservoir capacity is 2.97 TMC, and by Monday water level stood at 2.715 TMC.
Meanwhile, inflows into the other two major water bodies too dipped. Osman Sagar and Hussain Sagar did not receive much inflow on Monday as per Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) data. Water board officials said they were taking appropriate measures after assessing the situation.
“In case of heavy rains, measures to maintain the inflow and outflow of water in reservoirs will be taken up. Arrangements are already in place,” an HMWSSB official said.