Hyderabad: The first look poster of Nani as Sarkaar in HIT: The Third Case has been released on Thursday. Nani’s character, Sarkaar, was introduced in the second part of the ‘HIT’ franchise as a ruthless police officer. The poster for the third part continues this theme, showing Nani with a bloody axe, smoking a cigar, hinting at a violent and intense action film.
While fans are excited about this new release, Nani is also celebrating the success of Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, which is nearing the 100-crore mark at the box office. The success meet for the film is taking place on Thursday at Shilpakalavedhika.
HIT: The Third Case is directed by Sailesh Kolanu, with music by Mickey J Meyer, and is produced by Nani under Wallposter Cinemas. After the success of the first two parts, fans are eagerly waiting for this film to become another box office hit.