The PTI's letter, sent out ahead of the new prime minister Shehbaz Sharif's oath-taking on March 4, urged the IMF to give the poll results a thorough examination before cutting any new deal with Islamabad.
As per the report, the US will grow at 2.1 per cent, Germany will grow at 0.5 per cent, France at 1 per cent, Japan at 0.9 per cent and China at 4.6 per cent.
Sri Lanka and the IMF have reached a crucial staff-level agreement to release the second tranche of about USD 330 million out of the USD 2.9 billion bailout package
The roundtable discussion was hosted by US Treasury Secretary Yellen.A high-level seminar on "Strengthening the Financial Capacity of MDBs" was also organised by the G20 India Presidency.
Meanwhile the IMF has said that the further relief aid requires the completion of financing reviews after analysing the country's record since the first injection of 330 million US dollars, approved in late march.