Hyderabad: The show comprises five unique stories of love, deception, and murder – replete with twists and the extreme lengths that one would go for it. Hungama Play, a leading OTT platform owned by Hungama Digital Media, has launched its new Hindi original anthology ‘Tera Chhalaava’. The crime thriller is headlined by some of the […]
Mumbai, June 30 (IANS) Television actress Kavita Kaushik is all set to make her OTT debut with crime thriller ‘Tera Chhalaava’. The web show showcases five stories of love, deception and murder. The actor is quite excited about her debut and she opens up about her role in it. Kavita is a part of the […]
I sincerely request you to think of your parents and families too! Sidharth would never be happy with this, to pay him respect pls be strong and try to lift each other up now, she tweeted.