Hyderabad: Actor Samyuktha Menon unveiled the ‘2024 Mangala Collection’ on the auspicious occasion of Varalakshmi Vratham at TBZ-The Original’s Punjagutta store in Hyderabad.
From intricately designed waist belts to sparkling necklaces that radiate elegance, each piece in the collection is a tribute to India’s time-honoured traditions, a press release said.
Samyuktha Menon, adorned in one of the captivating Fancy Sets from the collection, expressed her delight in seeing the wide range of gold and diamond Jewellery, adorned with exquisite gemstones and intricate designs, available at TBZ-The Original Showrooms.
She said, “Adorning such gorgeous jewellery inspired by India’s rich cultural legacy is truly an honour. I feel privileged to be wearing one of the Dazzling sets from this collection today.”