Hyderabad: The Task Force along with the Gudimalkapur police solved the robbery case reported earlier this week and nabbed a five-member gang at Mehdipatnam on Thursday. Officials recovered cash of Rs 43.8 lakh, an air pistol and a bike, altogether worth Rs 48.3 lakh.
The arrested persons are Sardar Harpreet Singh Rishi from Attapur, Sardar Manpreet Singh from Nanded, Sardar Gurjeet Singh Raj from Attapur, Mohd Ghufraan from RTC cross road and Shravan Deshetty from Jiyaguda.
According to the police, the gang plotted to rob the manager of Tibarumal Jewelers in Banjara Hills for easy money. As per their plan, on August 30, they followed him and robbed him by threatening with an air pistol at Kishan Bagh.
On the tip-off, police teams nabbed the gang members and seized cash and other material from them.