Hyderabad: Unidentified persons, posing as customer care executives, cheated a retired personnel of the Indian Army to the tune of Rs 1.6 lakh. Police said the suspect called the victim saying that his mobile phone SIM card would have to be verified, failing which it would be blocked by the service provider. They induced him and keeping him under fear, made him download the Quick Support app on his phone.
Using the app, they tricked him into entering all his details and bank credentials and fraudulently obtained his OTP as well. Using the OTP, they then stole the money from his bank account.
In another incident, a woman from Santoshnagar in the city, who forgot her online banking password, searched for the bank’s customer care number on Google. She called the number and a person on the other side, posing as a customer care executive, took her bank details and withdrew Rs 2 lakh from her account.
Fraudsters dupe Woman
A woman from the city was allegedly cheated of Rs 1.8 lakh by cyber fraudsters, who lured her in the guise of quick and high returns for investments via the ‘Wishmall’ app. The victim, a resident of Old City, was introduced to the app by a friend on Facebook, who told her that through the app, she could earn thousands of rupees each day by investing just a little money.
“She also sent a link, using which the victim downloaded the app on her mobile phone. She first earned Rs 5,000 as profit and was soon asked to invest Rs 50,000 for higher returns, which she did through e-wallet,” police said, adding that the app screen displayed that she earned higher returns and she was not allowed to withdraw the same. The condition was that she would have to achieve three targets to receive money. Eventually, she invested Rs 1.8 lakh before finally realising she was being cheated. The Hyderabad Cybercrime police are investigating.