Hyderabad: Venkata Laxmi, a homemaker, did not have any major plans apart from a little bit of general shopping at the CMR Shopping Mall on Friday. And because of that, she was not expecting a call on Saturday, announcing her, much to her surprise, as the winner of a colour TV, courtesy the Dasara Shopping Bonanza of Namasthe Telangana and Telangana Today.
Speaking to Telangana Today excitedly, Laxmi said Dasara began on a fruitful note for her.
“We generally shop at CMR Shopping Mall and this visit to the store located in Chintal turned out to be lucky for us,” she said. “Days before Dasara, we received a gift and that too through a lucky draw. Everyone at home is quite excited,” she said.
The first lucky draw of the Dasara Shopping Bonanza of Namasthe Telangana and Telangana Today was held at Celekt, Madhapur on Saturday. As part of the shopping bonanza that commenced on Friday, shoppers billing more than Rs 1,000 at Celekt, CMR Shopping Malls and other establishments associated with the Shopping Bonanza will get a coupon for a lucky draw.
Every day, winners in the lucky draw will get a 32 inch colour TV as first prize, mobile phones as second prize and gift vouchers as third, fourth and fifth prizes. Apart from five daily prizes, the winner in the bumper draw on the 11th day will win a car. On Saturday, apart from Venkata Laxmi, Hussain who visited Cafe Niloufer won a mobile phone. The other three winners who won a gift voucher and gift hampers were Shiva Shanker, Hossanna and Satyajeeth Ram.
Murali Retineni, MD at Celekt Mobiles, participated in the lucky draw of Dasara Shopping Bonanza that will continue till October 10. “I am happy that Celekt Mobiles is one of the main sponsors. I am very happy to be associated with Namasthe Telangana and Telangana Today,” he said.
Freedom Healthy Cooking Oil and KLM Fashion Mall are the title sponsors and others associated include Celekt Mobiles, CMR Shopping Mall and Cafe Niloufer.
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