New Delhi: After hours of confrontation and talks with the farmers the Delhi Police finally on Friday afternoon allowed the farmers to enter Delhi. They will be escorted to Nirankari ground in Burari for carrying on their protests against the Centre’s farm laws.
“After discussion with farmer leaders, the protesting farmers have been permitted inside Delhi to hold peaceful protest at Nirankari ground in Burari. Delhi Police appeals to them to maintain peace,” said Eish Singhal PRO Delhi police.
The agitating farmers earlier entered into a confrontation with the Delhi Police and there was mild lathi-charge and some rounds of tear gas shells used besides water cannons to push the farmers from Singhu and Tikri borders along Delhi-Haryana.
Massive traffic jams were also reported from Singhu border, Tikri border and Delhi-Gurugram border because of the protest.
The Delhi Police would make proper arrangements for the systematic movement of farmers from borders of Haryana to lead them to the designated place of protest in North Delhi’s Burari area.
Some 500 farmers’ organisations from six states — Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan and Kerala — had planned the November 26-27 march for two months to press the central government to repeal the recently enacted farm laws.