Home |Hyderabad| Hyderabad Concerns Over Increasing Levels Of Pesticides In Fruits And Vegetables Raised
Hyderabad: Concerns over increasing levels of pesticides in fruits and vegetables raised
Dr. Sairam Reddy raised concerns over the increasing levels of pesticides and heavy metals in fruits and vegetables and advocated for urban farming as a sustainable solution.
Hyderabad: ASPIRE-BioNEST, University of Hyderabad (UoH), in collaboration with Miracle Me and IKP Hyderabad, hosted a panel discussion on ‘My Plate for the Day: Real Insights into the Dietary Guidelines by ICMR, NIN’ as part of the Global Bio-India Roadshow on UoH campus.
The panelists including Dr. Sairam Reddy, Co-Founder of Urban Kisan, Dr. Ajay Tumaney, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, UoH, Dr. Nida Fatima Hazari, a freelancing Nutritional Psychologist, discussed the critical issue of nutrition and healthy eating in today’s fast-paced world. The panel was moderated by Maithreye Murali, founder of Miracle Me, a nutraceutical company.
Dr. Sairam Reddy raised concerns over the increasing levels of pesticides and heavy metals in fruits and vegetables and advocated for urban farming as a sustainable solution.
Dr. Ajay Tumaney emphasized the need to instill healthy eating habits from a young age, particularly in schools, while Dr. Nida Fatima highlighted government initiatives promoting balanced diets. Lakshmi Tejasvi, who works extensively with sportspersons, called for avoiding junk foods and saying no to fancy diet regimes.