Hyderabad: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted a series of searches at multiple locations in Telangana on Monday in connection with the Dummugudem explosives Maoists case. The searches were conducted at Mahboobnagar, Warangal, Jangaon, Bhadradri Kothugudem and at Medchal.
During the search operations, the NIA seized metal plates, iron pieces and, coins suspected to be used for making IEDs, grenade launchers, various incriminating documents and explosive substances including slurry sticks and electrical detonators.
The Telangana police had arrested seven persons in February in connection with the case after the police seized explosives bound for Maoists in Chattisgarh. The case was registered initially at Dummugudem police station and later NIA re-registered a case in May and took up investigation.
The Dummugudem police had seized electronic detonators, non-electric detonators, gelatine sticks and fuse wire from two persons M Nagaraju of Mahboobnagar and K Kanukaiah of Medchal. Along with the two persons, G Vikram, S Saraiah, V Sathish, V Swamy and Trinadha Rao were arrested.