Hyderabad: The Bhavaninagar police have booked a case against Goshamahal legislator T Raja Singh on charges of hate speech and threatening to make another video with derogatory comments against Prophet Mohammed. Last Tuesday, when the police went to arrest him after cases were booked against him for making allegedly derogatory comments against Prophet Mohammed, the […]
Hyderabad: The Bhavaninagar police booked a case against a group of persons who danced with swords during a wedding procession four days ago. According to the police, one person Mohd Tajamul Hussain along with his friends danced with swords near Owaisi School in Nashemannagar during a marriage procession held on July 16. Ch Upender, Sub-Inspector […]
Hyderabad: The Commissioner’s Task Force (South) along with the Bhavaninagar police raided a zarda manufacturing unit at Edi Bazaar on Monday night and seized banned tobacco products worth Rs 5 lakh. Based on a tip-off, the police raided a house at Kummarwadi in Edi Bazaar and found one person Mohd Arif along with Mahboob Alam […]