Hyderabad: Narsingh with a legacy spanning almost 60 years launched its ninth showroom in Chandanagar. A house of traditional and ethnic wear embracing India’s rich heritage and traditions. With more than eight showrooms across the twin cities so far, Narsingh is all set with high determination to spread its reach wider with another addition to […]
Hyderabad: Sri Narsingh Cloth emporium launched its 8th showroom at Kothapet. The launch was attended by actor Ishwarya Vullingala, Srilekha, Ritika Chakraborty and others. With seven showrooms across the twin cities so far, Narsingh is set with high determination to spread its reach wider with another addition to one of its prominent showrooms in the […]
Hyderabad: The Meerpet police on Thursday arrested two persons including an engineering student on charges of robberies and chain snatching. Police recovered gold ornaments worth Rs 4.1 lakh from K Narsingh alias Nari (25), a resident of Hasthinapuram and his cousin Vignesh (19), a resident of Balapur. According to police, the duo turned to crime […]