Hyderabad: Health Minister Eatala Rajender on Friday demanded of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to announce that Hyderabad would get priority in allotment of ‘Covaxin,’ the vaccine being produced indigenously by city-based pharma major Bharat Biotech to combat Covid-19.
“The first batch of covaxin doses should be released free of cost to the people of Hyderabad which should subsequently be extended to people in other parts of the State,” the Minister said in a statement here.
The State government’s demand comes on the eve of the Prime Minister’s visit to the Bharat Biotech campus on Saturday, when he is expected to review the progress made by the pharma company in the vaccine process.
Justifying the demand, Rajender said the fact that the vaccine was being produced by a city-based company is a matter of pride for the State. “We have been encouraging the pharma sector through various concessions and have always been there to help them on all fronts,” the Minister said.
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