Hyderabad: Dhi Artspace is organising the movie screening of ‘A Tongue Untied: The Story of Dakhani’ by director Gautam Pemmaraju on June 23 at 5 pm. The screening will be followed by a conversation with the filmmaker.
This film sheds light on the forgotten language of Dakhani, a vernacular form of Urdu spoken in the Deccan region of India. Despite its rich history and literary heritage, Dakhani has been overlooked for centuries.
The movie explores the journey of the language through time, its decline in the 18th century, and its significance in representing the Indo-Muslim encounter in the Deccan.
Gautam is a Mumbai-based writer and filmmaker with expertise in history, literature, and art. Don’t miss this opportunity to delve into the story of Dakhani and engage in a discussion with the filmmaker. The event is open for all.