Hyderabad: The electorate should remember that a vote cast in favour of Congress would end up benefitting the BJP, said Home Minister Mohd Mahmood Ali.
During a campaign in Banjara Hills with TRS candidate for the division, Gadwala Vijaya Lakshmi, Ali expressed dismay at parties trying to create rift between religions and create hatred among people. “In the past elections, parties used to speak about works and highlight the manifesto. Now the tone and tenor has changed,” he said.
After TRS came to power, there have been no communal issues, curfews and in the last six years, no untoward incident has happened in the city, Ali said while underscoring that TRS treats all religions equally and ensure harmony and peace among people.
“The BJP leaders are trying hard to spread hatred in a peaceful Hyderabad. Already, Congress lost its ground in Telangana and if minorities unknowingly vote for this party, it will indirectly end up benefitting the BJP,” he said.
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