Hyderabad: Five persons who were allegedly involved in drug peddling were arrested by the Hyderabad police on Monday. The police seized 10 kilograms of ganja, Rs. 3,000 in cash and six mobile phones from them.
The arrested are Mahender Singh (26) a resident of Dhoolpet, Bharath Alyana (52) of Odhisa, Padma Thula Alyana (45) of Odhisa, Suman Bal (35) of Mangalhat and Amar Singh (28) of Katedan.
According to the police, Bharath and Padma were bringing the contraband to the city and selling the contraband to local peddlers through Mahender. On getting orders from local peddlers Bharath and Padma came to the city with the consignment of ganja and were staying at the house of Mahender.
On a tip off, the police raided the house of Mahender when all the five persons had gathered for a deal and arrested them.