Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Cybercrime officials have asked various banks to provide all details of the transactions done through the 128 accounts to which the fraudsters had diverted funds after hacking into three accounts maintained at the Mahesh Cooperative Urban Bank. The fraudsters had gained access to three banks accounts and diverted Rs 12.40 crore from […]
Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Cybercrime officials have asked various banks to provide all details of the transactions done through the 128 accounts to which the fraudsters had diverted funds after hacking into three accounts maintained at the Mahesh Cooperative Urban Bank.
The fraudsters had gained access to three banks accounts and diverted Rs 12.40 crore from the accounts. A case has been registered by the Hyderabad Cybercrime police who are investigating and have questioned a few persons working with the bank.
The police had collected details of the bank account holders in the city while they are awaiting the details of other accounts maintained with various other banks across the country.
The police collected the IP addresses and other technical details through which the fraudsters had gained access to the bank accounts before transferring the money.