Producing the accused before the media in Zaheerabad on Monday, SP Chennuri Rupesh said the four-member gag, which decamped with the ornaments, had planned another theft in the Zaheerabad area.
Sangareddy: The Sangareddy police busted a gang that stole gold ornaments worth Rs 3.10 crore from a private travel bus near Zaheerabad on July 26. The police recovered 2.955 kg of the stolen gold ornaments from the gang and arrested one of the gang members while the rest of the three accused were absconding. The police identified the gang as the “Khanjar Kherva” gang from Madhya Pradesh.
Producing the accused before the media in Zaheerabad on Monday, SP Chennuri Rupesh said the four-member gag, which decamped with the ornaments, had planned another theft in the Zaheerabad area. The SP said the gang wanted to sell the stolen gold in Hyderabad. Stating that they were seasoned criminals from Madhya Pradesh who mainly loot passengers in private buss, Rupesh said a police team led by DSP Zaheerabad Rammohan Reddy caught the gang at Burdipahad junction on Sunday night during a vehicle check.
When the police started checking the vehicle, three persons fled the scene while one of them, Masum alias Mushtaq Khan, was arrested. The three persons who fled were identified as Ashraf, Feroz and Sajid. The police recovered the ornaments from the car bearing a Chhattisgarh registration number.
ASP Sanjeeva Rao, DSP Rammohan Reddy, Inspector Shivalingam, SIs Srikanth, Rajendar Reddy and others were present.