Hyderabad: Civil Supplies Minister G Kamalakar said paddy procurement would commence from Friday across the State and the exercise would be completed by May end or first week of June. This Yasangi season, paddy was cultivated in 34 lakh acres and 65 lakh metric tonnes was expected to arrive at the procurement centres, he said. […]
Hyderabad: Braving the searing summer heat, Ministers, TRS leaders and party workers hit the streets to stage protests across Telangana on Monday demanding that the BJP government at the Centre procure the entire paddy produced during Yasangi season in the State. Minister and TRS leaders accompanied by party workers held placards and raised slogans against […]
Hyderabad: Telangana Government’s flagship programme Kalyana Lakshmi was aiding in checking child marriages, besides extending financial assistance to families, said BC Welfare Minister G Kamalakar. According to National Family Health Survey (NFHS) – 5 survey, the percentage of women getting married before 18 years has come down from 26.2 per cent to 23.5 per cent, […]
Hyderabad: Despite all the hurdles and non cooperation from Central Government, Telangana government has set a new record in paddy procurement in Vanakalam season. Civil Supplies Minister G Kamalakar said the exercise to procure paddy as per the targets set by Centre has almost concluded. As per the Centre targets of 46 lakh quintals rice […]
Sircilla weavers used to commit suicide due to lack of employment. However, the situation has changed and weavers are getting regular employment with Bathukamma sarees and other orders placed by the state government.