Lara, who last appeared in the Akshay Kumar-starrer action thriller 'Bell Bottom', took to Instagram, where she has 1.4 million followers, and dropped a string of photos, in which we can see Mahesh and Saira posing at a cricket stadium.
Mumbai: The Miss Universe beauty pageant is expanding eligibility for its competition by allowing mothers and married women to enter, clearly a historic decision! According to Fox News, Marital status and parental status will no longer be criteria for eligibility for pageant contestants starting in 2023. The Miss Universe pageant’s regulations have always required that […]
Hyderabad: Well-known Bollywood star Sushmita Sen was the first Indian woman to bring the Miss Universe crown to India, 28 years ago. On May 21, 1994, the 43rd Miss Universe pageant took place in the Philippine International Convention Center’s Plenary Hall in Pasay, Philippines. The ‘Main Hoon Na’ actor competed against gorgeous women from 77 […]