Warangal: In a shocking incident, a deaf-mute woman aged around 23 was allegedly raped by three minor boys in Warangal a couple of days ago. The incident, however, came to light only on Sunday, when the father of the victim approached Inthejarganj police and lodged a complaint urging them to take action against the boys who committed the heinous act.
According to sources, the woman had gone to her grandmother’s after her father left for work. Three boys aged between 15 and 16 years entered the house and struck a conversation with the old woman, who is visually impaired, to divert her attention from her granddaughter, and allegedly took turns to rape the woman. They also took video shots of the incident on their mobiles and posted it on social media platforms which went viral in Warangal.
When the father returned home, the young woman narrated the horrific incident to him. He immediately went to the police station and lodged the complaint. Police have registered a case and have launched a manhunt to nab the accused.
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