Hyderabad: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) registered a case against a Superintendent and Inspector working at the office of Principal Commissionerate of Central Tax, GST Hyderabad Commissionerate for allegedly harassing and extorting Rs. 5 lakh from a man.
The case was registered against the two officers – V. D.Anand Kumar, Superintendent and Manish Sharma, Inspector, both of the office of the Principal Commissionerate of Central Tax, GST Hyderabad Commissionerate, Hyderabad, a press release said.
“It was alleged that accused threatened to impose Goods & Services Tax on complainant for certain alleged irregularity. Further, he alleged that GST officers seized his iron scrap shop and demanded and had accepted Rs. 5 lakh from him. It was also alleged that officials further demanded Rs. 3 lakh to open the seized premises,” said CBI in a press release.
Following the case, the CBI conducted searches at two places in Hyderabad in connection with the case and recovered some incriminating documents. Investigation is continuing.