Police said that Chintala Devaiah alias Deva from Sabbepalli village in neighboring Hajipur mandal was found dead with grievous head injuries at around 2 am. Devaiah was a PDS rice smuggler and a rag picker
Mancherial: A 38-year-old man was brutally bludgeoned to death by unidentified persons in Luxettipet on Tuesday night.
Police said that Chintala Devaiah alias Deva from Sabbepalli village in neighboring Hajipur mandal was found dead with grievous head injuries at around 2 am. Devaiah was a PDS rice smuggler and a rag picker
It was suspected that Devaiah was murdered by unknown persons for moving closely with a widow of Luxettipet after offering him liquor at a secluded place. Police rushed to the spot and began a probe into the incident. They gathered clues from the scene of the crime. It was learnt that two suspects were detained for their involvement in the offence.
Devaiah is survived by a wife and two sons.
His wife, Rajeshwari, lodged a complaint with police. A murder case was registered. Investigations were taken up.